history & archaeology
Publications relating to Kirkdale archaeology:
In addition to our own Publications, if you are interested in the history and archaeology of St Gregory's, we strongly recommend the fully illustrated and comprehensive work by Lorna Watts 'St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale, North Yorkshire. Archaeological Investigations and Historical Context', Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford (2021) ISBN9781789694826, which records the major archaeological investigation carried out by Lorna Watts and the late Professor Philip Rahtz.
L. Watts, J. Grenville and P. A. Rahtz: Archaeology at Kirkdale (Supplement to The Ryedale Historian 18, 1996-1997)
L. Watts, P. A. Rahtz, E. Okasha, S. A. J. Bradley and J. Higgitt: 'Kirkdale - The Inscriptions', Medieval Archaeology XLI (1997), pp. 51-99.
P. A. Rahtz: 'Ghosts at Kirkdale', The Ryedale Historian 19 (1998-1999), pp. 17-20.
L. Watts: 'The Rev D. H. Haigh and Runes at Kirkdale', The Ryedale Historian 19, 1998-1999, pp. 21-24.
P. A. Rahtz and L. Watts: 'Kirkdale Archaeology 1996-1997' (Supplement to The Ryedale Historian 19, 1998-1999).
P. A. Rahtz and L. Watts: 'Three Ages of Conversion at Kirkdale', in M Carver ed, The Cross goes North (Woodbridge, 2003), pp. 289-309.
P. A. Rahtz and L. Watts: 'Excavations in Ryedale 2000' [including South exterior of Kirkdale], The Ryedale Historian 21 (2002-2004), 19-26.
L. Watts: 'Kirkdale, Lastingham and Bede: A Note', Northern History XLIII:2 (2006), 343-344.
L. Watts: 'St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale' [2014 watching brief], The Ryedale Historian 27 (2014-2015), 54-58.